Re: I am nooz reportar
The 2-Belo wrote:
> We have a report from the Dynamics Officer that CL has
> exploded. Flight director confirms that:
>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>> UPI A 7N DA, Mon, 31 Aug 2009 06:26:47 -0700 (PDT) (UPI)...
>>> JT 1234 PCS
>>>> On Aug 31, 5:43?pm, CL <> wrote:
>>>>> Sato Yukari, the "hit bitch" they sent to knock Seiko off in
>>>>> 2005, and failed, was dumped by the voters in her new district, too.
>>>> I am actually in that district.
>>> I have serious doubts that she cared what district she was in. She made a big
>>> deal in 2005 about "knowing what's best for Gifu", which is what ticked me off
>>> more than anything else, because goddammit, *I've* been here longer than she
>>> ever was. And I'd rather die than run for public office.
>> She _did_ seem like one of those "I can Gi-in, it is my Myboom!"
> Wafuu Sarah Palin. Thanks for the wonderful image.
Sara's got a bigger chest and a smaller brain capacity. But she beats
Yukari hands down in dumb statements.
>>>> I was actually a bit surprised she didn't make it through on the
>>>> proportional ballot. Not that I *wanted* her to or anything. I was
>>>> just handicapping the election (didn't do so well.) Figured she
>>>> would have possibly pulled in the the Koumei vote as we seem to
>>>> have a number of Soukagakkai in the neighbourhood but no Koumei
>>>> candidate. Lots of Ohta posters ((now) former head of Koumei) that
>>>> will probably go away real soon.
>> It appears that a whole lot of Koumei people didn't follow the script
>> provided. We've got a bunch out here, as well, and the Koumei candidate
>> did only just a bit better than the idjit from Kagaku no Kangofu (or
>> whatever they call that new fake religion).
> We were all seriously boggling over those wackos because of their sudden ability
> to field 98,347,598,273,489,572,984,598 candidates around the country, out of
> freaking nowhere. When you think of how much cash is required to fund *one*
> campaign, how the hell did they do that?
Every morning, my wife would open her Asahi with serious trepidation
over what one-page ad she was going to run into. They passed around
this one-page chirashi all about how Japan didn't need shohizei and they
were going to eliminate it (and we could eliminate the North Korean
menace by lining up on the shore of the Sea of Japan and frowning at
them in unison ...
I think they were drinking the same Koolaid as US Republicans on that
one and their financial growth charts looked like they'd been smuggled
out of Regan campaign headquarters sometime in the last quarter of the
previous century.
Fortunately, they didn't score a single seat. At least according to the
NHK election web site. IIRC, the best they did was something like 0.7%
of the total proportional vote in Northern Kanto.
>>> There are plenty of Soka Gakkai people (including my next-door neighbors) around
>>> here, but it didn't appear to influence the vote either way. Seiko was hoping to
>>> turn some of the former Hit Bitch votes back to her side, but the way I see it,
>>> those Koizumi Orphan voters are pretty much lost for good.
>> Sato badly split Seiko's Machine ... the one she inherited from her
>> Daddy ... but I doubt they would have left so quickly if Koizumi hadn't
>> gone around telling LDP people what to think. Some are independent
>> thinkers, some ... well ...
> Now that there is no one left to tell LDPers what to think anymore, maybe they
> will *start* thinking on their own.
The scenario is more like:
Voter is handed ballot
Voter enters voting booth
Pulls curtain
Loud sigh is heard, followed by a soft, high pitched whimper
Then, a soft "okaaa-chaaan, tasukete ..."
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