On Aug 31, 5:43 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Take a close look at the voting results and you'll see that no one
> associated with the entire Post Office debacle is still around.  Koizumi
> is gone, along with -- I think all -- of those execrable Koizumi
> children.  Sato Yukari, the "hit bitch" they sent to knock Seiko off in
> 2005, and failed, was dumped by the voters in her new district, too.

I am actually in that district.  I was actually a bit surprised she
didn't make
it through on the proportional ballot.  Not that I *wanted* her to or
I was just handicapping the election (didn't do so well.)  Figured she
have possibly pulled in the the Koumei vote as we seem to have a
of Soukagakkai in the neighbourhood but no Koumei candidate.  Lots of
Ohta posters ((now) former head of Koumei) that will probably go away

The guy that beat her, Tezuka, got a LOT of respect from me because he
ran on a platform of "NO SENKYO CAR" which meant no loud speaker,
unlike Yukari-chan who was going up and down the street even kind of
bleeding over the 8 PM cut-off time one night.  At least I think it
was her car.
I almost went to go give chase to the thing and complain about
rules violations.

Tezuka-san also walked passed my house doing his quiet appeal thing
with some supporters in yellow T-shirts.  They saw me looking out the
window and waved so I waved back.  If we hadn't had company, I might
have chased him down for a hand shake and ask him his opinion on
voting (he is apparently FOR it.)  Maybe next time.

> So, you've got Seiko-chan, Masazoe, maybe Ishihara's older kid (the one
> that isn't the failed actor or the failed bank clerk).  Just about no
> one else is well known for any _good_ reason nor credible.  Most of the
> old guys who are left got reelected in single-seat districts because
> they do graft and bribery better than the opposition so the locals sent
> them back.  I don't know if that guy who did all of the verbal blow jobs
> for Koizumi during his PM years made the final cut last night or not.  I
> am hoping he didn't.  If he did, I am sure he'll try to run for Party
> President.

Do you mean Fukuda or Hosoda?  Pretty sure they both got in.  Or do
you mean someone else entirely?

Suzuki Muneo got back in as did that wench Tanaka Makiko who pulled
a "let's change parties" manuevre.  She probably would have it in any
but being on the winning side will probably mean she will be able to
more air time and shoot her mouth off again.  Maybe even land another
cushy cabinet post.