"Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote...
> "Daihard" <daihardM3@yahoo_NOSPAM_.com> wrote:
> > I have a Korean-Japanese friend whose Japanese mother was once called
> > "il bon nom" by his father's relative.  He told me it was a very
> > offensive term, and that he was glad she did not get the impact of
> > that name-calling.
> This is the first time since I joined this group a few
> weeks ago that I get to discuss something worth discussing,
> void of profanity and name-calling.

I'm glad to hear that. :-)

> Of course, "ilbon" is Japan.  However, "nom" is reserved
> for a male.  For a female, it is "nyon."  Both are
> offensive terms when used that way.  However, it
> can be used in an affectionate way, as well.
> "Ilbon-nyon," is definitely offensive, though.

OK, then I either misunderstood what my friend said or he got it all mixed
up.  Glad you've gotten it all straightened out for me.
