>I would question why would a flight attendant offered hot coffee to a 
>mother who has her hands full in the first place.  Their primary job is 
>to ensure the safety of the passengers.  It comes down to common sense, 
>  the flight attendants should have at least average intelligence to 
>know that it is an accident waiting to happen, and either have 
>accommodated the mother and baby properly or suggested something cold to 
>Of course the mother isn't an innocent victim either by accepting the 
>coffee with the infant in her arms, but the coffee could have easily 
>been dumped on a fellow passenger and who would that passenger blame? 
>Likely the airline for not taking proper precautions.
>Unfortunately, there is not a minimum tolerance on intelligence for 
>females who have children.

Are you kidding me? Who is the flight attendant to say  how or what
someone is allowed to drink. Take some responsibility for your actions