On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 22:55:37 +0900, Michael Cash  ...
>On 19 Aug 2004 18:42:53 -0700, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> brought
>down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:58:55 -0400, Kevin Gowen  ...
>>>mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
>>>> Kevin Gowen <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
>>>>>>Kevin Gowen <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>I see. Who did that?
>>>>>>Kerry. Didn't even dodge the draft.
>>>>>Who called him?
>>>Who called Kerry?
>>>>>>Bush did, and there seems to be very reasonable doubt as to whether he
>>>>>>even finished up what he chose as a way to avoid the draft.
>>>>>I find it very curious that serving in the National Guard is now 
>>>> "now"?
>>>> Sorry, but even back THEN it was considered dodging the draft, along
>>>> with student deferments, etc. And not everyone was allowed to enlist.
>>>Ok, so let me get this straight. While one's country is engaged in an 
>>>action that is immoral, ignoble, and criminal, this is the ranking of 
>>>things one can do from most to least patriotic:
>>1. enlist
>>2. serve in the National Guard
>>3. go to Canada
>>10^23. avoiding service via nepotism
>>You continually go on about how people should earn their way in life and be
>>rewarded for their successes or failures, which is of course easy to say when
>>you have a rich father. 
>I come from an ancestry rich in poverty, and I also think that people
>should earn their way in life and be rewarded for their successes.

"No man is an island unto himself".

Success should be rewarded, but unfortunately the greatest contributors to the
world go unrewarded.

>find this easy to say despite having a poor father and being poor
>myself. If there's any one thing in this world responsible for my lack
>of success, it is me.
>>However you seem to idolize someone who by nothing but
>>their good fortune of birth is able to avoid his natural position in life.

"A total of 14 or 15 F-102 fighters were lost in Vietnam. Three were shot down
by anti-aircraft or small arms fire, one is believed to have been lost in
air-to-air combat with a MiG-21, four were destroyed on the ground during Viet
Cong attacks, and the remainder succumbed to training accidents"

So that is 4 lost to combat. F-4 760 lost, F-100 242, F-105 397.

"Nevertheless, we have established that the F-102 was serving in combat in
Vietnam at the time Bush enlisted to become an F-102 pilot."

In regular USAAF units. 

"...routinely rotated to Vietnam for combat duty under a **volunteer**
"...unable to activate ANG units since Presidents Johnson and Nixon had decided
not to..."

>>Nice sentiment. However as you well know the nepotism did not stop with the
>>National Guard. Your country is sick with nepotism at the highest levels. Did
>>you know that the son of a West Point graduate can not attend West Point? 
>Can you share your source on that? I just looked at
>http://tinyurl.com/4nm7w and didn't see that in what appeared to be
>the relevant section.

Not at 25:00 hundred bells o'clock, plus that document is rated "unclass" and my
rating is far higher.

>>was to stop military dynasties, yet no one seems to ask how Bushes can be
>>president and governor of two states (at the same time?). 
>Nobody asks because it is obvious how they did it. They ran for the
>offices and were elected. 

They were nominated by their party and their party won.

Triangle Man hates Person Man
They have a fight,
Triangle wins.