Michael Cash wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:22:36 +0000 (UTC), mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net
> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>Kevin Gowen <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:
>>>mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
>>>>>>Personally I think he toned down because GW had a drug problem. At least 
>>>>>>that's the rumor; don't know if I've ever read anything factual about 
>>>>>>that topic. Personally don't care. I dislike GW for other reasons.
>>>>>Because he's a rich fat cat?
>>>>Naw, cause he's an idiot draft-dodger.
>>>I thought that Vietnam was immoral, illegal and ignoble? That is why 
>>Sounds a bit like Iraq, if you put it that way.
> You mean 35 years from now GW is going to run for president based on
> the Iraq Police Action?

No, some soldier, sailor, marine, or airman will snatch the Democratic 
nomination. This will show that he is tough on defense.

Or, they could run one of these guys, because this will show that they 
have conscience:

Got all the bases covered. 2040 is a lock!

- Kevin