Re: Initial impressions from the Japanese premier of Fahrenheit 9/11
Michael Cash wrote:
> tm brought
> >Michael Cash wrote:
> >> Since I have nothing to compare the show with, could you point out a
> >> couple or three of Rush's transgressions?
> >
> >Come on, Mike, try to challenge the audience-
> >
> Interesting that among the "Extra!" articles, only the drug article
> has a date later than 1996.
You said couple or three. Now there are time limitations? Anyway, this
is a pointless argument, you know Limbaugh stretches the truth for
entertainment value.
> And he was taken entirely out of context on the football thing, by
> people who have for years presumed he is a racist and were prepared to
> see him as nothing else.
Yeah yeah, damn near impossible to sensibly argue amercin politics
anymore. Everyone is either a "right-wing looney" or a "left wing
looney". Well thought-out discussion is avoided in favor of sound
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