Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message news:<jgv0i0l25td5581adttg4o61c1o09v6h3g@4ax.com>...
> I used to enjoy catching the npr shows on FEN. Now the only one I care
> to hear is Car Talk.
> Any conspiracy nut who wants fuel for the "Jews Control The Media"
> fire need only listen to shows like All Things Considered or Morning
> Edition. Hint for NPR: You don't have to devote 15-30 minutes every
> damned day to the Israeli-Palestinean diplomatic mudhole.
While I generally don't like extremes on either side, I think without
question NPR provides more balance than Fox. I think the problem in
the US is that 'fair and balanced' (nod to lawsuit-liking Fox) doesn't
really mean that for either side. Also, there's just too many news
outlets, which is good if people actually attempt to get all sides of
an issue, but they don't.

As for why Limbaugh is perceived as a nut, in my view it's that he is
completely incapable of seeing the other side of issues. Also, it's
incredibly hypocritical for him to constantly speak with great
loathing about drug abuse and drug abusers. Liddy is about as far that
right a person as I can listen to.

John W.