On 31 May 2004 23:39:41 -0700, Shannon Jacobs  ...
>I am deeply sorry if my multiple personality represents a problem for
>your newsgroup. Screw you! I apologized profusely, you motherfuckers.
>I am a reasonable and polite chap, exquisite finesse pours out of my
>bottom, and I am bond to become the new Ernst Hemingway, as I am the
>first to adore my own shitty writing. Further on the subject, I have
>been described as a wanker, which honors me. (That would mean I had a
>penis and some resemblance of balls, neither of which has been proven
>as yet.) Finally, I would like to ask you screwed-up Bush-lovers and
>Kerry-lovers to display some elegance in your fucking manners. I am a
>peace-loving democrat, and I hope my kind of democracy will benefit
>even you, ignorant Eastern monkeys who dare doubt my word. Overall, I
>am known as the more amicable type of chap, but I can clearly be a bad
>influence on myself. Peace and love to all mankind!
>your friend,

I have some advice for you. If you are going to impersonate someone you have to
do a much better job than that.


Triangle Man hates Person Man
They have a fight,
Triangle wins.