Re: More proof white-wannabe japs just mimic americans
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:27:31 +0000 (UTC),
>In C.Brady <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 01:38:13 +0000 (UTC),
>> wrote:
>>>In E.F.Schelby <> wrote:
>>>> In C.Brady <> wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 03:29:16 +0000 (UTC),
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>In E.F.Schelby <> wrote:
>>>>>or more likely I've encountered Ms Schelby's weepy hand-wringing before.
>>>> Indeed. Mr. Fester is a doubtfree believer in U.S.infallibility,
>>>Uh, no.
>>>I simply do not believe the Germans were "victims" in WWII.
>> Merriam-Webster dictionary defines _victim_ as:
>That's nice; so the Germans were victims of the mean ol' Poles.
Gee, why confuse you with 'facts'....
You just blithely disregarded Webster's definition of _victim_;
instead shifting to_ol Poles_. (Dismissing commonly accepted standards
of terms indicates an attempt to obscure and confuse the actual
debate). Surely, you don't believe that you can redefine dictionary
definitions at will to suit your emotional agendum. Moreover, if that
is your position, then language becomes irrelevant and any further
attempt to have a coherent discussion with you is futile.
>> If one were to except the above definition, then one may reasonable
>> deduce that there were per se German victims of the war. Albeit, YOU
>If one does not believe one is a victim of one's own deedas, then one
>deduces that the Germans were not victims, but instigators.
I don't subscribe to the notion of collective guilt and collective
punishment. The principle of complicity is firmly grounded in
individualized justice. It has nothing to do with collective
punishment; indiscriminate slaughter is NOT morally defensible.
>> Although you may experience some personal discomfort in having to
>> recognize that many Germans were indeed victims of a fascist political
>Although you may experience some personal discomfort in having to
>realize the Germans were indeed the promulgators of a fascist (actually,
>it wasn't fascist; that was a different nation), you'd be less likely to
>find yourself in the silly position of being a nazi apologist.
>Lemme guess; you're going to deny the Holocaust next...
Ah, here it comes! Conjecture, supposition, and a vivid
imagination. About the only thing one can draw from your reply is the
recognition that your method of distortion is so transparent as to
deem it utterly worthless.
I shall never underestimate your creative capacity for confusion, not
to mention your delightful bursts of revelations. :-)
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