"Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote in message
> For John,
> Here are some links to educate you on the problem of chikan
> http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/waiwai/0304/0430chikan.html
> http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/magazine/nations/0,8782,110152,00.html
> http://www.japantoday.com/gidx/news354.html
> http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/waiwai/0211/021107womenonly.html

Ernest, thanks for at least trying to be a bit more constructive, but - for
once - Kevin's got a point. These sources are just as much anecdotal as my
own experiences. Why would I believe someone else's anecdotes as being any
more representative than my own, especially when the stories provide the
readers with precisely the juicy vicarious kick that the press so much
thrives on?
