On Dec 9, 4:08 pm, trap_for_junk_m...@yahoo.com (Louise Bremner)
> Hence the rising numbers of freeters? (Are there any stats on those? Or
> is it all vague arm-waving?)

As with all social trend watching in Japan, I've always suspected that
this one was the invention of some guy who overhead conversation among
three high-school girls while standing in line at the McDonalds on the
west side of Ikebukuro station. Then he went on a talk show.

But five minutes poking around with Google did provide some statistics
of a sort. You'd have to dig further to separate the wheat from the
chaff, though. For instance here:


the numerical data suggests a significant rise in non-full-time
employees, but it's not broken down by age and the graphs actually
show the reverse of the numbers, so you'd want to go find the original

This looks better:


Check out pages 40 and 41.