Kevin Gowen wrote:

> Dan Rempel wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> tm wrote:
>>>> Michael Cash wrote:
>>>>> Secretly, deep-down, I think I sorta hope Kerry does win. Four years
>>>>> of indignant bellowing and I-told-you-so! is much more in keeping with
>>>>> my personality.....and it would likely preclude Hillary in 2008. Fuck,
>>>>> I'd take Kerry in a heartbeat if I knew it would keep that bitch out
>>>>> further down the road.
>>>> I never understood the hatred some people have of the Clintons.
>>> I think that opposition to Clinton was based much more on disgust than
>>> on hate.
>> Do you know what people were disgusted about? An answer other than "yes"
>> would be appreciated.
> Immorality, scandal, womanizing, and rape off the top of my head.

Rape? Must have missed that one. The others just sound like SOP for
