Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote:

> A guy who was there with Kerry said on Chris Matthews that his
> personal observations of Kerry at the time led him to think that Kerry
> came to Vietnam to build a quick war hero record and get the hell out
> of there as fast as he could.
> One of the things one can infer is that there is a possibility Kerry's
> sole aim was resume building for future political ambitions.

Of course. He's always wanted the presidency. The original JFK 
benefited politically from his time in a 'swiftboat', JFK was this 
JFK's hero, so naturally he'd follow those footprints. I'm suprised he 
hasn't started wearing a backbrace.

Kerry is no frikkin' prize, but it's almost impossible to believe that 
anyone could be worse than Bush-Cheney-Fieth-Wolfowitz-
Rumsfeld-Ashcroft. Those guys seem to make a mess out of everything 
they touch.