Re: Maxwell's and Faraday's formulations of induction
> Ah,the innocense !.
> Did nobody here yet tell you that your education is just beginning and
> soon you will not know what or who you are attacking or defending.
> OTOH,if you want to be a famous scientist,well let me tell you how it
> is done.Find the nearest historical figure and praise him without
> end,call his work profound, delicate,elegant,powerful,ect and then
> proceed to do a hatchet job on him.Write as many escape clauses as you
> can so that you appear to agree with everyone and nobody at the same
> time and profess puzzlement with a particular experiment that suits
> your purpose.
> Worked for Isaac and Albert which is why this forum represents the
> epitome of the universal law of escape clauses.
Dear Oriel, I don't know, what namely do you mean under a quote mining
war which you are saying you do not undertake. But I don't also see
the difference: you are reviling Isaac and Albert and praying Kepler.
Other gods, same bows. ;-) I'm afraid, it does not add you a real love
to physics, and because of this reviling you only close before
yourself the door to understanding the essence of phenomena - if you
really wanted it. ;-)
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