(suzysewnshow) wrote in message news:<>...
> [snip]
> > > Sergey> 
> > > > I reason that if no astronomer was present in Newton's era to correct
> > > > the manner in which Newton formatted his gravitational agenda by
> > > > unauthorised use of two incompatible astronomical  views,I have no
> > > > reason to believe that it could be achieved in the present
> > > > climate.Astronomers previous to Flamsteed calculated orbits of planets
> > > > against the motion of the Earth,after Flamsteed it amounted to
> > > > calculating them against the background stars with Newton fudging as
> > > > much as possible by way of combining Roemer and Kepler seperate but
> > > > overlaping insights.
> I could not find the words *Saturation* or *Hysteresis* in your paper
> so am wondering how these well known effects were accounted for in the
> ferromagnetic cores used in your experiment. Your description sounds
> much like a fluxgate magnetometer so I would expect these can't be
> ignored.
> -------------------
> Kind regards,
> Sue...

Ah,the innocense !.

Did nobody here yet tell you that your education is just beginning and
soon you will not know what or who you are attacking or defending.

OTOH,if you want to be a famous scientist,well let me tell you how it
is done.Find the nearest historical figure and praise him without
end,call his work profound, delicate,elegant,powerful,ect and then
proceed to do a hatchet job on him.Write as many escape clauses as you
can so that you appear to agree with everyone and nobody at the same
time and profess puzzlement with a particular experiment that suits
your purpose.

Worked for Isaac and Albert which is why this forum represents the
epitome of the universal law of escape clauses.