Maxwell's and Faraday's formulations of induction
Dear Colleagues,
We published a new study which considerably improves the basic idea of
electromagnetic induction. You can find this material in our e-journal
SELF Transactions, volume 4 (2004), paper
Experimental study of electromotive force induced by inhomogeneous
magnetic field
We will consider two formulations of induction law: differential,
based on Faraday conception of wire interaction with magnetic field,
and integral, based on Maxwell conception of interaction of the loop
area with the crossing flux.
Using the models of rectilinear loop with a movable side and of
unipolar generator, we will show that Maxwell conception remains true
exceptionally for the loop with a movable side in a permanent
homogeneous magnetic field. Only for such model this formulation
predicts the same results as Faraday formulation does. At the same
time, Faraday formulation is true for a broad class of models in
homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic fields.
To check it experimentally, we developed a set with the transforming
secondary loop and put it into an inhomogeneous time-variable magnetic
field. Obtained experimental results will unambiguously corroborate
that Faraday conception reliably describes the induction process on
the basis of wire interaction with magnetic field, and that Maxwell
integral conception is illegal.
Obtained experimental results have also corroborated that it is legal
to use the compensation loop with a single probe in studying the local
magnetic fields, which we used in the before study of induction in an
air gap of transformer.
Please read the full text of this paper on
In the future development, the results which we obtained can provide
the design of new generations of power and signal transformers, new
types of electric machines.
I will be much pleased to hear your opinion on the presented material.
Sergey B. Karavashkin
Head Laboratory SELF
187 apt., 38 bldg.
Prospect Gagarina
Kharkov 61140
Phone: +38 (0572) 276624
e-mail: ,
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