"Sergey Karavashkin" <selftrans@yandex.ru> wrote in message
| Dear Colleagues,
| We published a new study which considerably improves the basic idea of
| electromagnetic induction. You can find this material in our e-journal
| SELF Transactions, volume 4 (2004), paper
| Experimental study of electromotive force induced by inhomogeneous
| magnetic field
| *Abstract*
| We will consider two formulations of induction law: differential,
| based on Faraday conception of wire interaction with magnetic field,
| and integral, based on Maxwell conception of interaction of the loop
| area with the crossing flux.
| Using the models of rectilinear loop with a movable side and of
| unipolar generator, we will show that Maxwell conception remains true
| exceptionally for the loop with a movable side in a permanent
| homogeneous magnetic field. Only for such model this formulation
| predicts the same results as Faraday formulation does. At the same
| time, Faraday formulation is true for a broad class of models in
| homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic fields.
| To check it experimentally, we developed a set with the transforming
| secondary loop and put it into an inhomogeneous time-variable magnetic
| field. Obtained experimental results will unambiguously corroborate
| that Faraday conception reliably describes the induction process on
| the basis of wire interaction with magnetic field, and that Maxwell
| integral conception is illegal.
| Obtained experimental results have also corroborated that it is legal
| to use the compensation loop with a single probe in studying the local
| magnetic fields, which we used in the before study of induction in an
| air gap of transformer.
| Please read the full text of this paper on
| http://angelfire.lycos.com/la3/selftrans/v4_1/contents4#emf

Your link is no good.  Put this in a properly formatted PDF or postscript
file for download anywise and I might read it.  Your website has too many
popups and God knows what else.
