"FrediFizzx" <fredifizzx@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<2ljjq5Fdgo8gU1@uni-berlin.de>...
> "Sergey Karavashkin" <selftrans@yandex.ru> wrote in message
> news:a42650fc.0407131431.b84ffe0@posting.google.com...
> | "FrediFizzx" <fredifizzx@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>  news:<2len3aFb69o4U1@uni-berlin.de>...
> | > "Sergey Karavashkin" <selftrans@yandex.ru> wrote in message
> | > news:a42650fc.0407111955.363f0bf7@posting.google.com...
> | > | Dear Colleagues,
> | [snip]
> |
> | > Your link is no good.  Put this in a properly formatted PDF or
>  postscript
> | > file for download anywise and I might read it.  Your website has too
>  many
> | > popups and God knows what else.
> | >
> | > FrediFizzx
> |
> | Dear Fredi, I understood that the URL is incomplete immediately after
> | uploaded this post. ;-) Thank you. The correct address is
> |
> | http://angelfire.lycos.com/la3/selftrans/v4_1/contents4.html#emf
> |
> | I will be pleased to hear your opinion. Please pay attention to the
> | theoretical part in the beginning of paper.
> Sorry, you have too many popups on that site.  I don't trust it.  Put the
> document in a properly formatted (AIP or APS guidelines) PDF or postscript
> file for download.
> FrediFizzx

Click this URL and choose zip-file doc checked for viruses. Have you
any problem with it? ;-)
