Re: The answer to Uncle Al's old question (Sergey Karavashkin) wrote in message news:<>...
> Uncle Al (
> Why do galaxies form the arms
> Dear Uncle Al,
> In March 2003, when I presented in the sci.physics the first chapter
> of our large work "Some aspects of the earth evolution", you responded
> so:
> " No aspect of physics can explain the persisitence of spiral galaxies
> over all visible time. Why don't you start with that and "deduce" an
> explanation. "
> We prolonged with new chapters, agreeing with you: until we have this
> question unanswered, all the further will sound not so much solid as
> we would like. It seems, today we have an answer. We just published in
> our e-journal a new paper in which we study the dynamic field of
> orbiting charged bodies,
> The results are clearly applicable both to the system of atom and to
> galactic systems, as we derived them in classical formalism.
> Now, on the grounds of this paper, we can go on with planet system
> formation and further.
> We think, this paper will interest you, and would be pleased to
> discuss with you these results and perspectives.
> Kind regards,
> Sergey Karavashkin
Is not it strange, Uncle Al? Was not it you who asked this question?
What can be the reason to keep silence? ;-)
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