Sergey Karavashkin wrote:
> (Sergey Karavashkin) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Uncle Al (
> >
> > Why do galaxies form the arms
> >
> > Dear Uncle Al,
> >
> > In March 2003, when I presented in the sci.physics the first chapter
> > of our large work "Some aspects of the earth evolution", you responded
> > so:
> >
> > " No aspect of physics can explain the persisitence of spiral galaxies
> > over all visible time.  Why don't you start with that and "deduce" an
> > explanation. "
> >
> > We prolonged with new chapters, agreeing with you: until we have this
> > question unanswered, all the further will sound not so much solid as
> > we would like. It seems, today we have an answer. We just published in
> > our e-journal a new paper in which we study the dynamic field of
> > orbiting charged bodies,
> >
> >
> >
> > The results are clearly applicable both to the system of atom and to
> > galactic systems, as we derived them in classical formalism.
> >
> > Now, on the grounds of this paper, we can go on with planet system
> > formation and further.
> >
> > We think, this paper will interest you, and would be pleased to
> > discuss with you these results and perspectives.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Sergey Karavashkin
> Is not it strange, Uncle Al? Was not it you who asked this question?
> What can be the reason to keep silence? ;-)

If you truly believe you have something other than merde, I invite you
to submit to Physical Review and make it past qualified referees, or
have it be accepted and acted upon by a legitimate academic group. 
Uncle Al's calculated empirical assault upon the Equivalence Principle

was presented at the 01 May 2004 APS national meeting in Denver,
Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 49(2) 54 (2004)

We are now in collaboration with a recognized (oh boy and how!)
academic group.  We expect the parity Eotvos experiment to be
conducted in P3(1)21 vs. P3(2)21 alpha-quartz test masses by 2006. 

What have you got, bunky?  Self-publication on the Net is not
reprehensible, but it is worth the paper upon which it is written. 
Yours is a self-admitted dust bin:  "Basically, this journal was
assigned to publish the materials worked out at SELF."

"mathematical physics, wave physics, theory of analytical functions,
theory of complex variables (especially quasi-conformal and
non-conformal mapping), theory of differential equations (especially
systems of ODE), dynamics, elasticity, vibrations, circuit theory
(especially calculation of ladder filters, transmission lines,
networks), electromechanical analogy, circuits synthesis, EM field
theory (including the properties of electrical, magnetic fields,
radiation/reception of waves, advanced Maxwell equations etc.),
acoustics, gas dynamics, mechanics, geophysics, geochemistry, geology,
planetology, philosophy of science, history of science."

Is there anything you will not pubish?

Uncle Al
 (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"  The Net!