Uncle Al (UncleAl0@hate.spam.net)

Why do galaxies form the arms

Dear Uncle Al,

In March 2003, when I presented in the sci.physics the first chapter
of our large work "Some aspects of the earth evolution", you responded

" No aspect of physics can explain the persisitence of spiral galaxies
over all visible time.  Why don't you start with that and "deduce" an
explanation. "

We prolonged with new chapters, agreeing with you: until we have this
question unanswered, all the further will sound not so much solid as
we would like. It seems, today we have an answer. We just published in
our e-journal a new paper in which we study the dynamic field of
orbiting charged bodies,


The results are clearly applicable both to the system of atom and to
galactic systems, as we derived them in classical formalism.

Now, on the grounds of this paper, we can go on with planet system
formation and further.

We think, this paper will interest you, and would be pleased to
discuss with you these results and perspectives.

Kind regards,

Sergey Karavashkin