Re: another marriage question (koseki and jyuminhyou)
Declan Murphy wrote:
> On Jul 4, 1:25 pm, wrote:
>> Scott Reynolds <> wrote:
>>> I'm curious about the practical aspects when traveling internationally.
>>> If the Japanese immigration people see that you seem to be using two
>>> passports, what will they do? For example, if you enter Japan on a
>>> flight from Gaikoku but don't have an exit stamp from the country you
>>> just left in you Japanese passport, I would imagine it might arouse
>>> suspicion.
> Not really. If a Japanese passport holder flies to say, Germany, there
> probably isn't going to be a stamp in the passport anyway. You would
> have to be doing something fairly unusual, and often.
>> You seriously cannot imagine the indifference of the Japanese
>> immigration agents on that point.
> Agreed.
Well, that's a relief.
> Incidentally Immigration has done something with their databases since
> April. Older data has been added. Leaving through Immigration my
> passport was scanned, leaving the immigration bloke flummoxed. Its an
> Irish passport issued last November, and I left and re-entered Japan
> using it in December and March. My current visa was transferred from
> my previous Irish passport and I had renewed the visa and done 1
> change of status using that previous passport. He broke out in the
> usual sweat and sucked through his teeth. Then he told me that he
> couldn't let me leave because the computer system said (purely from
> inputing my Irish passport number and alien rego card) that I was
> Australian. No such "happening" occurred in December or March, or on
> the previous passports.
> I pointed out that he was holding an Irish passport in his hands with
> my valid Japanese toushikeiei visa and valid re-entry stamp in it, and
> an ARC that listed the same nationality, passport number and validity
> dates. After 30 seconds he said the computer was obviously wrong, made
> a note of my gaigin card and waived me through. I didn't bother
> mentioning that I have dual citizenship and that my initial visas were
> in an Australian passport. Coming back into Japan, the only stamp in
> the passport was the Japanese exit stamp (no French, Irish or UK
> stamps) and the problem appeared to have been solved.
Hmmm, now I'm starting to get worried again...
Scott Reynolds
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