Al wrote:
> John <> wrote:
>> After doing some more reading and with thoughts of having
>> children in the future, I'm wondering about koseki's and jyuuminhyou's.
> Hi again. How long have you been in the country? If you are planning to
> stay in Japan, and if you have been in the country for a few years
> already, you might as well go to the Ministry of Justice and ask them
> about getting Japanese citizenship - it makes many things easier.
> Al

This will be my 5th year in Japan.  Don't know how long I will stay.  It
could very well be a long time.  But, even if I stayed for life, I don't
 think I would ever give up my original citizenship.  If I'm still here,
I think I'll apply for PR the next time my visa is up for renewal.  It's
funny you mentioned it, though, because a number of my co-workers
recently have been asking me if I will try to get Japanese citizenship.
  I just give them a vague answer with lots of まあs and that the 将来
is a long time.
