Shannon Jacobs wrote:
> Louise Bremner wrote:
> <old stuff snip>
>>Thanks for reminding me to update my killfile.
> Doesn't it make you suspicious when you find yourself lying to explain
> yourself?
> Maybe the problem with the newsgroups is that it's too easy to lie, so even
> "nice" people do it. Take your post, for example. You're lying. Nothing
> about my identity has changed, so there's no reason for you to update
> anything about your killfile in relation to my post.

On the contrary, she could "update" her killfile by just adding you for
the first time. That would seem to me to be a reasonable use of the
meaning of the word "update", though not being an teacher of English (or
anything else), I'm not entirely sure.

> Perhaps I'll have to reconsider whether or not to take a New Year's trip
> next year. Though it was a short break this year, it's been dreadfully
> boring.

Perhaps you could just make some friends somewhere.

Non gratum anus rodentum