Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote:
<old stuff snip>
> Nah, it's just his regular annual visit to remind us how much he
> loathes us.

Actually, I'm an incurable optimist, and I visit much more often than 
annually (on average), and will continue to do so whenever I feel like it. 
Lying again, eh?

But why would I loath you? Yeah, you're a chronic, probably pathological 
liar, but those are a dime a dozen on the newsgroups these days. I don't 
like liars, but to be worthy of loathing, you'd actually have to do 
something. As far as I know, you're quite a leading do-nothing-no-life 
"Newsgroup Charlie" with a trollish flavor. Almost always worth ignoring, 
but not actually worth a killfile entry. I vaguely recollect you claim to be 
a truck driver, and if so, your main purpose in life would seem to be to 
reinforce the negative "low-life" stereotype many people have as regards 
truck drivers. (If you're not a truck driver, then that's just another lie 
or an error in my recollections (but it's not like you're important enough 
to be worth remembering).)

Actually, it's possible to earn some loathing just by doing nothing, but it 
requires special circumstances. For example, Dubya quite probably earned 
some extra loathing by doing nothing to interrupt his vacation while tsunami 
victims were still dying for lack of aid resources that he could have 
mobilized (but only if they had more oil). However, I'm not even sure that I 
can actually claim to hate or loath Dubya. He's just a passive puppet of 
Rove and Cheney, and anyway you should "Hate the sin, not the sinner." 
Probably just more of Dubya's laziness, but proving (yet again) that he 
isn't vacationing so much in order to be fresh and ready to respond 
vigorously to crises. This was clearly a case where more vigorous action 
could have made a substantial difference and saved many lives--and they're 
still suffering and some of them are still dying.

So what does any of that have to do with life in Japan? I speculate that the 
entire thing is just a trollish hoax. You've never even visited Japan, but 
your actual gag is to see how many people you can elaborately fool into 
thinking you have.