Kevin Gowen wrote:
> John W. wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> John W. wrote:
>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>> I see. So when an eight-year-old child talks of his being "born
>>>>> again", what straying is he talking about? Staying up past his
>> bedtime?
>>>> Nope. He's just using the term incorrectly.
>>> If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that all
>>> Christians are born again. The disagreement is about what being "born
>>> again" requires.
>> Sorry. I was actually replying (above) to Jeff, not you; you sort of
>> jumped in to a sub thread. Maybe you should pay attention. Or do you
>> have some codependent need to reply to every post?
> No, it's just that mocking you is great fun. Your commentary on nuances 
> between Christian faiths is quite droll in light of your confusing 
> Wahhabism for Shia.
>>>> Interestingly that's another
>>>> thing you have in common with an eight-year-old.
>>> You know, I was just thinking the same of you. You've acquired about
>> as
>>> much wealth as the average eight-year-old, yes?
>> Probably less. But since I'm not materialistic it doesn't concern me
>> all that much. I like to think I'm fairly Christian in that way.
> It's fairly Christian not to support one's family? You must have the 
> Slacker Bible.
It's not? You must have one slacker idea of faith.

But since I didn't mention support for one's family....

John W.