Ernest Schaal wrote:

> in article, Eric Takabayashi at
> wrote on 10/20/04 11:05 PM:
> > Ernest Schaal wrote:
> >
> >> You also said that they tend to exaggerate. Overall, your comments that they
> >> are more emotional and political than Japanese, and that they tend to
> >> exaggerate would lead to the reasonable inference that you are bigoted
> >> against Chinese in general. Such bigotry is something that a moral person
> >> would be ashamed of.
> >
> > You are making much of the claim that Chinese are:
> > More emotional than Japanese.
> > More political than Japanese.
> > People who exaggerate.
> >
> > Stereotype and generalization, true. Generally to be avoided. But stereotype
> > and generalize we do on the NG.
> >
> > But are they incorrect? Am I instead to believe that Chinese and Japanese are
> > either similar in those regards, or that Japanese draw ahead of the Chinese?
> > Because if not seen as individuals, we certainly can see a difference. Chinese
> > do not exaggerate (as do many people on matters of national or cultural pride,
> > or pain)?
> >
> > The same could be said of Americans. Or angry Middle Easterners who appear in
> > news reports.
> >
> > Do you claim to be ignorant on such matters, too, or just too politically
> > correct to admit it?
> Your defense of stereotypical bigotry

I am not defending Masayuki or his views. I am not going to comment on them. I am
asking about why you are so upset.

> boils down to it is alright because that is what we do on the newsgroups.

I did not say it was alright, I said that is what we do.

> That from someone who acts as an absolute moralist on other matters.

I said it is to be avoided (but not always wrong).

What of it?

> Am I aware that such stereotypical bigotry exists in abundance on the
> newsgroups? Of course I am, after all I sometimes read your messages.

And what of yours?

> Should I excuse such stereotypical bigotry because you, Kaz, and Yoshida
> resort to it so often? You have got to be kidding.

So why excuse yourself?

BTW, what is the significance of grouping "Kaz" "Yoshida" and myself "Takabayashi",
when there are many choices of those to disagree with?

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I can
shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"