Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
"Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
> in article, m.yoshida at
> wrote on 10/20/04 2:26 PM:
>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>> in article, m.yoshida at
>>> wrote on 10/20/04 1:53 PM:
>>>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>>>> in article, m.yoshida at
>>>>> wrote on 10/20/04 1:13 PM:
>>>>>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Okay, so you estimate the number of Chinese victims at 40,000-50,000, so
>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>> do you say: "One of the reasons why Japanese scholars of modern history
>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>> the term "Nanking Incident" would be that the debate is included a
>>>>>>> question
>>>>>>> whether or not the "Rape" really took place."
>>>>>>> Do you think the rape occurred? Do you doubt that the Japanese military
>>>>>>> committed atrocities? Do you think the 40,000-50,000 deaths were
>>>>>>> justified?
>>>>>>> There seems to be a conflict between your most recent statement and that
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the time before. I am not trying to trick you, instead I am trying to get
>>>>>>> you to clarify your remarks.
>>>>>>> By the way, I doubt the high numbers of the Chinese estimates and the
>>>>>>> real
>>>>>>> low numbers of the Japanese apologists. I don't doubt that rape and
>>>>>>> murder
>>>>>>> was used as a military tactic to scare other Chinese cities into
>>>>>>> surrender.
>>>>> You never answered my questions:
>>>>> Do you think the rape occurred?
>>>>> Do you doubt that the Japanese military committed atrocities?
>>>>> Do you think the 40,000-50,000 deaths were justified?
>>>> I said three times here in this thread that my position is closed to
>>>> Prof. Hata's one.
>>>> Masayuki
>>> Prof. Hata's article never comes out and answers the questions I asked you.
>>> Now let us do this simple.
>>> Prof. Hata wrote that he expressed doubts about some of the sources, but he
>>> neither denied nor affirmed that the rapes occurred. Do you think the rape
>>> occurred?
>>> Prof. Hata never commented on whether he thought the Japanese military
>>> committed atrocities. Instead, he wrote merely on the number of deaths. Do
>>> you doubt that the Japanese military committed atrocities?
>>> Prof. Hata never commented on whether he thought the deaths were justified.
>>> Do you think the 40,000-50,000 deaths were justified?
>> He commented what you want to know in the following book:
>> First, read the original text in Japanese!
> Why are you afraid to answer three simple questions?
> Why are you afraid to declare whether you think the rape occurred or not?
> Why are you afraid to declare whether you think the Japanese military
> committed atrocities or not?
> Why are you afraid to declare whether you think the 40,000-50,000 deaths
> were justified or not?
> Could it be that you are ashamed of your own views?
> Could it be that you are ashamed of your own bigotry?
Mr. Schaal,
Why are you asking me such questions? Why are you using
such terms as "afraid of", "ashamed of" and "bigotry". I hardly
provided my view here in this thread, but just said that my
position is closed to Professor Hata's one and that Chinese
are more emotional and political than Japanese.
As far as I read the relevant references, I agree with Prof.
Hata's conclusions. Saying "one thinks" is not meaningful so
much in this kind of historical discussion (although casual),
if one did not witness the atrocities at all which took place
over 60 years ago.
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