Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
"Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
> in article, m.yoshida at
> wrote on 10/18/04 11:20 AM:
>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>> in article, m.yoshida at
>>> wrote on 10/17/04 10:56 PM:
>>>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>>>> in article, m.yoshida at
>>>>> wrote on 10/17/04 8:05 PM:
>>>>>> What is the matter with his work place? Chinese are more
>>>>>> emotional and political that Japanese. In addition don't you
>>>>>> know how Chinese people prefer exaggerations?
>>>>> Your comment above says a lot about you. Chinese are more emotional than
>>>>> Japanese?
>>>> Yap.
>>>>> More political than Japanese?
>>>> Yap.
>>>>> Prefer exaggerations?
>>>> Yap.
>>>>> It sure sounds
>>>>> like you are into racist, bigoted, stereotypical statements.
>>>> Why?
>>> Because your statements are racist, bigoted, and stereotypical. It reminds
>>> one of the Japanese propaganda of the Pacific War, when the Japanese
>>> militaristic government was trying to promote hatred of the Chinese.
>> Allow me to ask the question again:
>> How many Japanese books on "Nanjing Incident" did you read,
>> Mr Schaal? You must have taken a look at the references in
>> David Askew's article.
>> Masayuki
> And how does how many Japanese books on the "Rape of Nanking" that I read
> have any bearing on the fact that you made a string of racist and bigoted
> comments about the Chinese, in the space of only two sentences?
One of the reasons why Japanese scholars of modern history use the
term "Nanking Incident" would be that the debate is included a question
whether or not the "Rape" really took place. If they use the term "Rape
of Nanking"you like, then it follows that they have to argue on the
assumption that the "Rape" really happened. As a scholar they are
unwilling to deal with such an unexamined conviction.
> If I had read more books in Japanese would it mean that your comments would
> sound a tad less bigoted or more bigoted? If so, why?
Whatever you may say, it is just a description, which means you have
not given an explanation. I don't think I'm bigoted.
If one wants to discuss a complex topic, one is required to get ready
for the discussion. Getting ready means here that one reads some
references on the topic, for example. That's why I asked you such a
question, although you seem to be getting off the subject.
> Personally, I don't see a direct connection between my reading habits and
> your apparent racism and bigotry.
Racism and bigotry? Prove.
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