Kevin Gowen wrote:

> >>And maybe the government should give out money to people so there aren't
> >>any muggings or bank robberies.
> >
> > In effect, yes the government should.
> That would certainly give everyone an incentive to work.

Work and materialism are not the most important things in life.

> > Employers should also treat workers
> > better with better wages, benefits and security. This is why Canadians,
> > Australians, and Europeans lecture the US about the benefits of their own
> > social systems as a remedy to reduce the US crime rate.
> Yes, Canada and Europe lecture. You may wish to take a look at their
> unemployment rates and labor supply.

We're talking crime.

> > Japanese may not do
> > the speaking themselves, but the Japanese social structure with relatively
> > little difference between rich and poor, and a very low rate of people
> > considered poor, is also promoted over the US system, to reduce social
> > friction and crime.
> This must be why rich people never commit crimes. I knew OJ was innocent!

Yes, Japanese murder rates and prosecution rates are certainly appalling. The
US would never tolerate 1,200 murders a year and claiming to solve 96% of them.