Re: Spiral arms of proton and galaxy
Sergey Karavashkin wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We published a new paper
> " On physical nature of postulate of existence of stable stationary
> states of oscillators "
> in our journal "SELF Transactions", volume 4 (2004), issue 1
> *Abstract*
> We analyse electron orbiting in atom and why its orbit was postulated
> stationary. The cause is the insufficient attention to the mutual
> revolution of electron and nucleus around their common centre of
> inertia. We study the field of proton in classical formalism, given
> its orbiting, and reveal the shape of this field  diverging
> spiral with tangential component which stabilises the electron's
> orbit. This field has the frequency of stationary orbiting electron
> and the measure of inertia proportional to that of proton, which
> allows not only to stabilise the orbit of electron in the conservative
> system, but returns the electron to this orbit when pulsing external
> affections. Under variation of kinetic temperature of atom, this
> field, retaining its structure, changes the tuning for new parameters
> of electron's orbiting.
> The revealed field is inherent in not only atomic systems but also in
> macro-systems, up to celestial bodies like galaxies. Despite
> considerable difference in scale of fields, conditions of their
> formation and pattern of affection onto periphery of systems, the
> structure of dynamic field remains and has the shape of diverging
> spiral. The features of field structure also remain with it, both for
> electric and gravitation fields. In particular, in galaxies this field
> causes formation of spiral arms concentrating the gas-dust complexes
> and condensing the stars of second generation. We analyse different
> conditions of formation of such dynamic fields and their affection
> onto the observed structures of star systems.
> Please enjoy reading full text:
> I hope, it will be interesting for many of you, and look forward to
> hear your opinion.
> Sergey
> ******************
> Sergey B. Karavashkin
> Head Laboratory SELF
> 187 apt., 38 bldg.
> Prospect Gagarina
> Kharkov 61140
> Ukraine
> Phone: +38 (0572) 276624
> e-mail: ,
Galaxy model for atom
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