Dear Colleagues,

We published a new paper

" On physical nature of postulate of existence of stable stationary
states of oscillators "

in our journal "SELF Transactions", volume 4 (2004), issue 1 


We analyse electron orbiting in atom and why its orbit was postulated
stationary. The cause is the insufficient attention to the mutual
revolution of electron and nucleus around their common centre of
inertia. We study the field of proton in classical formalism, given
its orbiting, and reveal the shape of this field   diverging
spiral with tangential component which stabilises the electron's
orbit. This field has the frequency of stationary orbiting electron
and the measure of inertia proportional to that of proton, which
allows not only to stabilise the orbit of electron in the conservative
system, but returns the electron to this orbit when pulsing external
affections. Under variation of kinetic temperature of atom, this
field, retaining its structure, changes the tuning for new parameters
of electron's orbiting.
The revealed field is inherent in not only atomic systems but also in
macro-systems, up to celestial bodies like galaxies. Despite
considerable difference in scale of fields, conditions of their
formation and pattern of affection onto periphery of systems, the
structure of dynamic field remains and has the shape of diverging
spiral. The features of field structure also remain with it, both for
electric and gravitation fields. In particular, in galaxies this field
causes formation of spiral arms concentrating the gas-dust complexes
and condensing the stars of second generation. We analyse different
conditions of formation of such dynamic fields and their affection
onto the observed structures of star systems.

Please enjoy reading full text:

I hope, it will be interesting for many of you, and look forward to
hear your opinion.



Sergey B. Karavashkin

Head Laboratory SELF
187 apt., 38 bldg.
Prospect Gagarina
Kharkov 61140

Phone: +38 (0572) 276624
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