> The Japanese are a curious people.  They are openly among the most
> racist of people in the world, but very polite about it.  To the
> Japanese, you are either Japanese, or gaijin.

You are almost right on this one... except for the fact that the degree of
racism depends on the country of origin.
Having two nationalities (Austrian and German), puts me well ahead of
Chinese, Koreans, Indians, or nationals of African or South American banana
republics. Not because I am so handsome or whatever...
It's the materialistic factor which Japanese put in front of everything.
BMW, Porsche, and everything "Made in Germany" must be the determining
factor. All I need is slanting eyes to become totally embraced!
I still remember a German hippie in jeans and looks like Jesus Christ with
5,000 yen in his pocket when arriving at Narita airport. He was let off the
hook within a single minute. Then came the businessman from Bangladesh with
an invitation from Mitsubishi Chemicals and an entire block of bank checks.
He was investigated for one hour before getting out of the airport. I talked
to them in the bus back to Tokyo.


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