I am trying here to develop a theory about the existance of white
wannabes in america.  This is an attempt at rationality, and I would
like all converned to contribute their GENUINE thoughts

When I was at Shibuya in my trip to japan, I encountered a few of
these "white waannabes" bu they were nice to me, I guess, because I
was white.

Now, as many of you know, when I went to UNT at denton, I encountered
american wannabes, only they were blatantly racist against americans. 
The classic, rude racist kinpatsu, american fashion and music,
idolization of everythnig american, but only talking to each other in
japanese, and when in the presence of other japanese, giving a "gaigin
shock" look if a gaigin happened to be within a 100 meter radius.

I at first dismissed all japanese as "Racist copycats" and while there
is some truth to that, this is inconsistent witht hte fact that whne I
went to japan I receive much courtesy from not only "american
wannabes" but also the polite hard working type.

At first, I reasoned, that UNT is a mediocre university, Denton a pice
of shit city, so you'd have to be both a moron, part of the japanese
underclass and fanatically devoted to mimicing america to want to go
there, thus ridding it of "japanese who arent sick freaks".  This
explanation, is however, a tad simplistic, as it does not explain why
the said japanese were racist against americans in such a uniform

Perhaps it was conformity, maybe they all came different, but
comformed to the ex-pat "pseduo american standard", which includes
exclusion of gaigin. I however, feel this is an unfair, or perhaps
exaggerated judgement of japanese social tendencies.

Another is that its a combination of these, however, I feel that this
is not concrete enough of an answer.

A hypothesis of mine, is that there is, in japanese society a large
section of japanese society, devoted solely to idolization and racism
against american society, in which there is a strict code of
conformity and is the "pool" of american racist wannabes.  Silly as it
may seem, and I noticed most "american wannabes" from canada lived in
quebec, thus there is something of a "pool" of american wannabes.

Perhaps, a similar attitude could be applied to japan, a "pool" of
american racist wannabes, only perhaps it is much larger.  This is
still difficult to undertand even if it were an empiracal truth.

Now, kaz may say the "pool" is yamanote tokyo japs and nishinomiya(?)
kobe japs, but from what I understand, these people are as western
europe wannabe as they are america wannabe. In any event, these people
were far more polite and different than the japs I came across.

All concerned, I genuinely want to hear your thoughts on the subject.