MatthewOutland wrote:
> I am trying here to develop a theory about the existance of white
> wannabes in america.  This is an attempt at rationality, and I would
> like all converned to contribute their GENUINE thoughts
> When I was at Shibuya in my trip to japan, I encountered a few of
> these "white waannabes" bu they were nice to me, I guess, because I
> was white.
> Now, as many of you know, when I went to UNT at denton, I encountered
> american wannabes, only they were blatantly racist against americans. 
> The classic, rude racist kinpatsu, american fashion and music,
> idolization of everythnig american, but only talking to each other in
> japanese, and when in the presence of other japanese, giving a "gaigin
> shock" look if a gaigin happened to be within a 100 meter radius.

The Japanese are a curious people.  They are openly among the most 
racist of people in the world, but very polite about it.  To the 
Japanese, you are either Japanese, or gaijin.

In the case of America, there is a love-hate relationship.  Following 
the conclusion of W.W.II, America not only occupied Japan, but changed 
their very traditional society forever.  Many traditionalists wanted 
Nippon to stand as a World power, but remain unsullied by Western 
influence.  When the Americans took over, that was not a possibility, 
and the westernization of Japanese society rapidly occurred.  In the 
process, succeeding generations of Japanese became less and less 

I believe militarism is once again raising its head in Japan.  Once 
expressed in business, (ever hear the expression 'Business is war'?) The 
need to feel superior is not being met as Japan is in the middle of a 
very bad economic slump.  Japanese who, in their racism felt superior 
with business success, now see they are little different from other 
industrialized nations.  They see that while the US has been hurt by 
recession as well, they are still the most powerful nation in the World. 
  They resent this and are hurt by the fact.  They adore western 
culture, but some are jealous of the US with its power.
