Re: Private for Raj
necoandjeff wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>>>>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>>No, there are far too many adult converts to various religions.
>>>>>>>Cites, please.
>>>>>>Cites to what?
>>>>>>>I doubt there is more than a trivial percentage of
>>>>>>>religious adherents being adult converts, unless you are counting
>>>>>>>intramural conversions like between Judaism, Christianity, and
>>>>>>That doesn't even matter. He said, "You have to be fed that
>>>>>>nonsense by your parents and teachers in order to actually
>>>>>>believe it" Thus, I only need to find one person on the planet
>>>>>>who believes without having been "fed" by parents and teachers.
>>>>>>I hope you'll make a better real-life lawyer than internet lawyer.
>>>>>>>>By the way, are all religions nonsense, or just Christianity?
>>>>>>>>I'm trying to figure out why it isolated for ridicule. Is Islam
>>>>>>>>or Hinduism more empirical?
>>>>>>>All are ridiculous. The only time I've gotten to the point of
>>>>>>>actually screaming at someone over religion was at a Hindu trying
>>>>>>>to justify torching Moslems on the basis that their set of fairy
>>>>>>>tales gave them more right to build a temple on a patch of dirt
>>>>>>>than Islamic fairy tales gave them to build a temple on the very
>>>>>>>same patch of dirt.
>>>>>>How is atheism any less based on faith and therefore any less
>>>>>Ummm, let's see, because nobody has stressed to me the how
>>>>>important it is to believe it in the face of all evidence to the
>>>>What is the evidence to the contrary? I was not aware that there
>>>>were empirical data regarding the existence of a diety or lack
>>>>thereof. Was it on "Science Friday"?
>>>Where did I say there is empirical evidence to the contrary?
>>Well, you said "all evidence to the contrary". To what were you
> I was referring in general terms to one of the things that faith is intended
> to stand up against.
Faith is not to stand up against evidence.
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