Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
"Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
> in article, m.yoshida at
> wrote on 10/18/04 3:26 PM:
>> "Scott Reynolds" <> wrote in message
>> news:ckvgi9$jfl$
>>> On 10/18/2004 6:28 AM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>> in article, Eric Takabayashi at
>>>> wrote on 10/17/04 11:31 PM:
>>>>> "m.yoshida" wrote:
>>>>>> Ernest will ask a question: "Eric, which passport do you have, the US or
>>>>>> Japanese?"
>>>>> US, of course. But I am one of those people who believe it is more
>>>>> meaningful
>>>>> to know about (some of) the flaws of their own country, and still choose to
>>>>> love it, than to be someone who merely obeys or believes what they are
>>>>> told.
>>>> I wasn't going to ask that question, since I knew he was an American, an
>>>> American who hates America and particularly hates white Americans.
>>> Funny. Eric has never given me that impression, and I have been reading his
>>> posts for a
>>> long time.
>> It's quite hard to have a discussion with Mr. Schaal, because
>> he gets more emotional right away than Chinese. My guess is
>> he is a Chinese-oriented elder.
>> Masayuki
> My, you really hate the Chinese, don't you? No wonder, with Japanese like
> you around, that the Chinese hate your guts. Too bad you spoil it for the
> level-headed and decent Japanese.
I have some Chinese friends who are former colleagues at a university
I worked with in England. They are not as bigoted as you, but considerably
emotional and political. BTW It is worthy note that here in this thread I
have never ever said that being emotional and political is a bad thing.
Basically my position on "Nanjin Incident" is close to Professor Hata
Ikuhiko's that. I would say that the death roll of 300,000 is too much
exaggerated in many aspects.
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