Eric Takabayashi wrote:

> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>>>I forgot to ask in my last post: Why do you draw the line at the fansubbers or pirates?
>>>Why not prosecute and jail the fans and customers as thieves as well?
>>I didn't draw a line, I just didn't address my feelings towards them. I
>>would have no problem imposing criminal penalties on knowingly watching
>>a fansub.
> Awesome. Even watching a fansub should be subject to criminal penalties.

Well, short incarcerations are already available at the federal level
for certain types of distribution, but not simply consuming an
infringing work.

> What do you suggest? I have no problem with the millions of those who trade in, buy or
> download unauthorized releases or copies of copyrighted works being put in jail or treated
> as thieves, but I haven't thought of something for the millions of people who simply watch
> fansubs or bootlegs, or listen to mp3s. Are they also actual thieves, or should they simply
> be subject to pay the cost of the authorized product or its use, ie movie or concert
> admission, or the price of an authorized video or CD?

I think that Kick Bottle's policy of executing anime fans is ridiculous.
Since ignorance would not be a defense, every person who watches a work
would have to determine not only whether or not that copy "Film X"
violates copyright, but whether "Film X" itself violates copyright.
There have been cases, for example, of a tv sitcom that had a
copyrighted painting hanging on the wall of its living room set. The
sitcom was sued for unlawful distribution by the person who held the
copyright to the painting.

- Kevin