Re: Gradient of potential function of dynamic field (Bilge) wrote in message news:<>...
> Sergey Karavashkin, mudozvon, said:
> >> >Well then, what for do you ask me for this function if you insistently
> >> >don't want to see it?
> >>
> >> Post it and I'll see it.
> >
> >
> >First of all, Bilge, here is not a restaurant, and I'm not a waiter.
> Then stop complaining about not receiving a fair assessment of
> a meal you refuse to provide.
> >You are allegedly saying that I have not the formula on whose basis I
> >built the animation for Franz. I have kept my word and presented you
> >this formula.
> Where? You have spent this entire thread making excuses for not
> providing it. I'd request that you provide the message-id in which
> you posted the formulay you claim you have provided, but that would
> only serve to digress along another tangent of excuses regarding the
> message-id.
> >Not simply a formula, but with all necessary
> >substantiation. But you want me to write it here, without
> >substantiation.
> Yes. I want you to write it here, since I've already proved the
> mathematical identity which demonstrates that the curl of a gradient
> of a scalar is zero. Since you disagree with what _I_ have posted
> as proof that you're wrong, I expect you to post the function
> which proves you are not.
I looked at his site, and found formula 26 on p. 19
it is:
phi = q/(4*pi*EpsilonNaut)*(e^(-j*k*r1)/r1 - e^(-j*k*r2)/r2)*e^(j*w*t)
My guess is, that if he sais curl(grad(phi)) =/= 0, he messed up
something with the jacobian. Of course, you could take
curl(grad(phi)) without the jacobian, which would equal zero, but if
we want to be physical about it, we'd have to apply it. My guess is
that the math was a bit too tricky for him and he screwed up
I'm also confused as to what j and k are. Are they variables?
In any event, curl(grad(phi)) does equal zero, no matter how you look
at it, if you do the calculations correctly.
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