Re: Gradient of potential function of dynamic field (Bilge) wrote in message news:<>...
> Sergey Karavashkin:
> > (Bilge) wrote:
> >> Sergey Karavashkin:
> >> >
> >> >Bilge, don't dodge. You know, this paper has 27 pages, not 9. But not
> >> >in vain you are saying of 9 pages, as just in the 8th page of paper
> >>
> >> OK. Then change what I said to read:
> >>
> >> "Either your function is 27 pages long or I don't have to read
> >> 27 pages to know what it is."
> >
> >You are saying what you are saying, not occasionally.
> Whatever that means...
> >>
> >> >(p. 19 of the issue) you saw our formula (26).
> >>
> >> Not hardly. I looked at you index page. I didn't bother read
> >> any of your article.
> >
> >Well then, what for do you ask me for this function if you insistently
> >don't want to see it?
> Post it and I'll see it.
First of all, Bilge, here is not a restaurant, and I'm not a waiter.
You are allegedly saying that I have not the formula on whose basis I
built the animation for Franz. I have kept my word and presented you
this formula. Not simply a formula, but with all necessary
substantiation. But you want me to write it here, without
substantiation. However you are not the person who will discuss in
frames of scientific ethics. You never were interested to grasp the
truth. You know it well! You are unscrupulous in the issues of
plagiarism, consciousness, decency. Of course, you are not happy that
my formula describes the process in the way you don't like. But I
cannot help you here. The formula exists, it has been derived on the
basis of standard mathematical formalism. You well understood it. See,
you don't try to state zero the circulation over the selected loop,
and this is a great progress for you. At due time you attempted to
deny the Fourier expansion. ;-)
Note also, you twice responded to my post, and both times you did not
touch the charge of photon which I reminded you. Should I tell you,
why? You surely know. By the way, how about your consortium that tried
to produce a directed longitudinal EM wave? ;-) I know only that you
team have bit Franz. Whether your Bilge-band has dissipated? The
longitudinal photon appeared too massive? ;-)
Well, Bilge, continue your melody for relativist with photon. You do
it well, and the main, so funny. Who could think out a better
self-advertisement, how absurd your relativistic inferences are! ;-)
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