Re: Gradient of potential function of dynamic field (Bilge) wrote in message news:<>...
> Sergey Karavashkin:
> >
> >Bilge, don't dodge. You know, this paper has 27 pages, not 9. But not
> >in vain you are saying of 9 pages, as just in the 8th page of paper
> OK. Then change what I said to read:
> "Either your function is 27 pages long or I don't have to read
> 27 pages to know what it is."
You are saying what you are saying, not occasionally.
> >(p. 19 of the issue) you saw our formula (26).
> Not hardly. I looked at you index page. I didn't bother read
> any of your article.
Well then, what for do you ask me for this function if you insistently
don't want to see it?
> >You saw it.
> Not unless your formula looks like a table of contents. Either post
> the function of get lost. My guess is that you wrote an article trying
> to give physical significance to an arithmetic error. If you had a
> real result, you wouldn't hesitate to post 1 function rather than
> post a lot of crap to cover for not having a function.
Go and read: page 19, formula (26).
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