Shannon Jacobs <> wrote:

> Well, thanks for the helpful information offered in this thread, but so far
> I'm doubtful it will avail much. Following the appropriate links I was able
> to find lots of detail about the procedure for Texas. First it said I wasn't
> qualified to use this system. Then it said they had extended it and it
> looked like I did qualify. However, in the next section it looked like I was
> between the cracks again, but in the section after that... I'll take another
> swing at figuring it out again later, but so far I sure couldn't figure out
> what I was supposed to do. Closest I got was the same address I'd been
> writing to already. The only explanation I can figure for instructions like
> those is that they don't want too many folks to figure 'em out.

The first question is did you call your Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk?
If not, you need to get on the phone NOW.  Your ballot must be received
by 8 pm on November 2, 2004 (that is for Kalifornia, at least).

Mike gave you the start of the information which you should have used a
few months ago to apply for an overseas absentee ballot.  You should not
have registered with a TX address and then apply for a TX absentee
ballot if you are a resident of Japan.  By registering with a TX address
you are confirming that you are a TX resident.  Are you a resident of
Japan or TX?

> Years ago this absentee voting stuff used to be relatively painless and
> easy.
> At this point Occam's Razor seems to be the "no vote" list.
> Anyway, it probably doesn't matter that much. 

Yeah right.  Then quit your complaining.  You do not have the right to
complain if you don't vote.,1,371
