On Dec 8, 10:29 am, Erifanieid the Hysterical
<the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp> wrote:
> We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that Declan Murphy
> has exploded. Flight director confirms that:
> >On Dec 6, 12:58?pm, "Marvel" <mana...@nospam.com> wrote:
> >> "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >>news:0c16f041-dbf8-437f-8128-957d16f655c6@j39g2000yqn.googlegroups.com...
> >> On Dec 4, 7:01 pm, "Marvel" <mana...@nospam.com> wrote:
> >> > I sit here broke heart
> >> > Try to shit - only farted
> >> > Tomorrow try too
> >> >Google is really pissing me off. I've tried to post this same haiku
> >> >four times already and it never shows up. Other posts do, and this one
> >> >says successful, but the damn thing doesnt show up. So here it is
> >> >again. Again.
> >> >Smells and sounds erupt
> >> >In sweet anonymity.
> >> >When did I eat corn?
> >> >Damn Google.
> >> >John
> >> FWIW I was having the same problem and by chance found that it was happening
> >> only when posting behind certain posters. No idea why.
> >Google groups won't let you reply to Jeff's posts (annd possibly some
> >others). The reason is because of the succinct phrase you'll find in
> >his headers
> >"Distribution: All over the refrigerator in a fan-shaped spray from
> >your carotid artery after I cut it, mother f@cker."
> >Now I'm wondering if f@ will also be blocked.
> Oooooooops. I spend too much time in alt.*. Fixed.

サンキュー。 Until recently it remained something of a mystery as to why
google would index your posts, but wouldn't let others reply to them,
and yet would index posts by spammers that breached google's so called
terms of service. The "sponsored links" column provides one
suggestion. On a page where your

"Distribution: All over the refrigerator in a fan-shaped spray from
your carotid artery after I cut it, mother f@cker."

text is displayed, do-no-evil google has an advert for

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