One ERROR correction in Cristoffel symbols of second kind.

> you described, but I put below Christoffel symbols of second
> kind for possible calculations with Scwarzshild metric case,
> if someone wants to do them:
> f = 1 - a / r
> K^t_tr = K^t_rt = a / (2r^2 f)
> K^r_tt = ac^2 / (2r^2),
> K^r_rr = -a / (2r^2 f),
> K^r_TT = -r f,   (T=Theta),
> K^r_PP = - r f sin^T,  (P=Phi),

ERROR CORRECTION: above line should be as:

K^r_PP = - r f sin^2 T,  (P=Phi),

> K^T_rT = K^T_Tr = 1 / r,
> K^T_PP = -sinT cosT,
> K^P_rP = K^P_Pr = 1 / r,
> K^P_TP = K^P_P_T = cotT
> (REFERENCE: Martin, General Relativity, page 71, I have not
> this book in my hands, but reference is said exactly in
> some my earlier writings)

Hannu kirjoitti:

> I put Sergey's email here (I hope you don't mind) due my answer
> could interest also others:
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