Re: Reality of black holes
None kirjoitti:
> All postulates, or rather principles, which I accept, as you said, are
> the principles of classical physics. Einstein himself denied the
> postulates of GR. And the postulate of physical laws equivalency in
> inertial and non-inertial frames on which GR is based is a groundless
> stupidity. I do not suggest people to choose. This is the right of
Only the weak form of the Equivalence Principle is true not
the strong form. In other words the Equivalence Principle is
local principle not global principle.
> each. Only they may not offend after that all constructions like
> relativistic will be crumbled to nothing in the first touch of logic of
> classical phenomenology of physical processes. ;-)
> If speaking of my propositions, we have them five full volumes of
> original studies without repetitions. The fact that colleagues in
> newsgroups are able in respond only to bleat as rams or to swear as
> cobblers, changes nothing, but makes senseless my attempt to answer
> your question more completely. ;-) If I see a serious approach, I will
> reply more seriously. ;-) In brief - read SELF Transactions:
> Sergey
I took a quick look at your writings (vol 5.) and it seems to me that
it is interesting reading.
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