None wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are going on publishing the 5th volume of works of our laboratory
> with the paper
> " On reality of black holes "
> *Abstract*
> We will analyse the basic phenomenological and mathematical approaches
> of Relativity when having built the General theory of relativity. In
> particular, we will consider the ways, how Einstein derived the
> regularity of light velocity with respect to the value of gravity
> potential; how Schwarzschild derived the metric of stationary point
> black hole; how Landau made his derivation for a collapsing dust
> sphere; Oppenheimer's derivation for a collapse of dying star, as well
> as the features and incentives, how and why had Einstein introduced his
> lambda term.
> On the basis of analysis of the above approaches, we will show full
> inconsistency of the statements of problems to the corresponding
> processes in real physical systems, artificial mathematical
> transformations based on ignoring the logic sequence of formal
> mathematical derivation, on unfoundedly introduced ad libitum, doubtful
> postulates and on arbitrarily composed mathematical expressions.

I peg you pardon, but what postulates of General Relativity
you don't accept and what postulates you suggest instead.
Please clarify your writing !


> We hope much that the aspects analysed in this paper will be of help to
> the specialists who rely in their interpretations on the models of
> black holes to understand better the discrepancies of this theory.
> Enjoy reading
> Best to you all,
> Sergey B. Karavashkin
> Head Laboratory SELF
> 187 apt., 38 bldg.
> Prospect Gagarina
> Kharkov 61140
> Ukraine
> Phone: +38 (057) 73706624
> e-mail: ,