Re: Visa Question
On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 5:02:54 PM UTC-5, CL wrote:
> Make sure your Human Being knows all of the consequences of her decision
> as it brings the Borg back into her life and she may not like that.
Well... the BMAJW isn't coming with me.... In fact, she thinks this will be a great opportunity for her ... I mean me....
So, I assume that could complicate things, visa wise? I would probably use her parent's address; it's somewhat up in the air as to where exactly I'll be staying. There are two projects I will need to manage: one north of Tokyo, one in Osaka area. It'll depend on which one gets the most prominence and has the most money on the line.
Things would have been slightly easier had this come around before I started this new job.
John W.
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