In article <>, Elbow wrote:
> HI me again,
> I contacted GOL and must say they were very informative and helpful.
> I had a very long chat with NTT and now Im thinking what is the best
> set up for me, maybe you lot can help me decide?
> I asked about their 40Mbps service and found to my6 dismay that Im too
> far away from the exchange! All I can get is their 24mbps service. :(
> To get fibre optic in I have to pay 17,000 installation and then they
> said it would cost me 11,000 yen a month!! Or 5,000 if I 'share' what
> I dont iunderstand is the 'share' part.  How do I share it?  What does
> it all mean.
> If NTT cant reach with their 40mbps does this also mean that YahooBB
> wont be able to reach too?

"Basic" gives you 100/100 from your ONU to the NTT BRAS (Broadband
Remote Access Server). And costs 10,900/mo to NTT.

"New Family" gives you a fibre whose 100/100 bandwidth is potentially
shared with up to 3 other customers (this setup is invisible to you -
occurs between you and the NTT CO).  Cost is 6,400/mo to NTT.

Given the burstiness of the profile of typical broadband use, most people
don't find the additional expense of Basic service worth the cost
difference.  I myself know of only one other person who has residential
basic service, and that is because he got it when that was the only
option available and he doesn't want to go through the hassle of switching.

Of course, YMMV, and if your 3 neighbors all run winny/winmx/bittorrent
clients 24x7, you may notice a difference.

David Van Cleef         - Engineering Manager             - Fusion Network Services, K.K.            - Global OnLine Japan
 -- "We have forgotten at least two things..." --