Raj Feridun <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> wrote:

> With all due respect to the Global Online employees in this newsgroup
> I signed up with Asahi-Net (http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/en/) and have
> not had one single complaint. Not only do they have full English
> service and support they are the cheapest provider I could find. I've
> subscribed to GOL in the past as well (back in the IDSN days) and they
> were also excellent.

Actually, if you use YahooBB like I do, having a gol.com account is the
best way to go, you use their Lite account for 500 yen/month.

Having rock solid e-mail is essential, and their spam controls are
really very good, even if Brett is too wussy to post in the open and
clear with his real e-mail address.

Seeing my e-mail address, you can probably figure out how long I've been
with gol.com.  
